We live in Fort Worth, Texas in a house built approximately in 1887, located on almost a half-acre (approximately 4 house lots) relatively close to downtown. It was in the Leach family for almost 50 years, another 50 years divided between two Leach relatives, and then another who might have been related, then it stood empty for 4-5 years, and we acquired it in 1992. Restoring a home to its former glory is a big undertaking, but we have found that it can be done without going into debt. It just takes a bit longer than one might like it to take. My art studio is a little house on wheels at the back of the driveway, behind all the cars.
I’m married to my best friend and am still head-over-heels in love with him. We met at the University of Texas at Arlington, at the Baptist Student Union. We’ve been married 40+ years. We are both fully devoted followers of Christ and are as active as possible in our church, Hope Works Fellowship. (Photos to left: 1982 and fairly current 2021)
Glenn works in the audio/visual industry, running sound for TV shows, movies, sports events, and news interviews, as well as for meetings and conventions. He is primarily a Sound Man, but has worked Camera and Lights also. He has taught motorcycle safety and would like to teach gun safety. He would like to re-enter Christian broadcasting, either in front of the microphone, camera, or behind, at some time in the future. He’s also interested in underground housing and dreams of developing a neighborhood in an old cement quarry, having underground cliff homes. Yes, I think he’s a renaissance man!
I have three or four ideas for future books and am starting to work on them. There’s two historical fiction novels and a nonfiction book on grieving. I also have the sequel to HOO in the works.
I am a freelance artist, working primarily in acrylics or watercolor. I work in all sizes: wall murals to miniatures. Teaching dog obedience one-on-one at the owner’s preferred location, I refresh or teach basic obedience. In the past, I have worked as a free-lance copy editor. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, I worked as the office manager at an animal hospital and was a church secretary. I’ve also been a manager for several gift & card shops. I am a voracious reader when I have time.
Our first-born, adult son, Mike, is also a voracious reader and online gamer when not working at Domino’s.
We started officially homeschooling him in the late summer of 1995, graduating him from our homeschool high school in 2008. He lives with us but is supporting himself completely, paying his way with us and covering his own expenses.
For his Christmas 2021 present, I had a portrait made of him as a pirate.The other photo is Mike at 4 years old and Richard around 1+ years old.
Our second-born son, Richard, arrived April 30, 1992 by emergency C-section. He was 6 weeks early with a placental abruption; oxygen deprivation caused his cerebral palsy. He had severe reflux and a faulty hypothalamus (thermostat), running 106º with no infection. He had stomach surgery when he was 6 months old, to correct his reflux and stomach emptying problems. They also put in a feeding button. He had the surgery for reflux again when he was 9 months old, as he had undone the first surgery giving himself a hernia.
Richard had two-times-a-week physical therapy, as well as weekly visits to 4-5 doctors. He never laughed or cooed, no first words to record, but he was ever watchful and very aware of his surroundings. I could ask him where his brother was and he would scan the room, moving his head and eyes, and then stop once he found his big brother.
On April 22, 1994, a week and a day before his second birthday, he went with Jesus to live in Heaven ahead of us. It was a hard little life for him, as well as for us, while he was here, but we rejoice that he can laugh, jump, talk, run, and sing now, no longer a prisoner of his body! We will be reunited in God’s timing.
Our current dog is what I call a “ManChi” — she’s a Manchester Terrier/Chihuahua mix. Think Chihuahua deer-head on a long-legged Manchester body, all in an 11# package. Her muzzle is a bit longer than a purebred Chi’s. She’s smart and a bit more independent-minded, more than any other dog I’ve had. She knows what she wants and how to get it! She gently paws me twice to let me know she wants something, whether it’s to go under the covers on the bed, time to be fed, or when she wants on my lap–or off it!
When she’s on Glenn’s lap, she paws him twice with her left paw to ask to be put down and uses her right paw to ask for more chest scratches! She makes herself understood, that’s for sure! We got her from the Humane Society when she was 8 months old, two months after we had to say good-buy to our almost-15-year-old Australian Kelpie, Lucia in Feb 2018. For a rescue, we know our Cricket’s birth date, which is unusual–it’s Oct 6, 2016.
Well, that’s a snapshot of a part of my life. I also deal with clinical depression–but God IS good, ALL the time! I also have a gene mutation. Nail-Patella syndrome (NPS) is a rare genetic disorder that causes abnormalities of bone, joints, fingernails, kidneys, and glaucoma, occurring in one in 50,000. I have osteoarthritis in my elbows and some other joints are a bit creaky and we monitor my eye pressure and kidney function. The thumbs have it!
Generally, I am the poster child for “Pollyanna” — the glass is not half-empty; nor is it half-full…WATCH OUT!! It’s about to overflow!
The Lord has been, is, and ever will be gracious to us! My family and I have weathered the storms with Him and know that He is worthy of Trust! He gives peace in the midst of the storms. Please look to Jesus if you’re unsure of your life. For He is Faithful.
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8
For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.